sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2012

My Luve is like a Red Red Rose

Here is the poem  RED, RED ROSE by Robert Burns, sung by Andy M. Stewart:

My Luve is like a Red Red Rose

O my Luve's like a red, red rose, ( love)

That's newly sprung in June:

O my Luve's like the melodie, (melody)

That's sweetly play'd in tune. (played)

As fair art thou, my bonie lass, (you are so beautiful my pretty girl )
So deep in luve am I;

And I will luve thee still, my dear, (you)

Till a' the seas gang dry. ( all the seas go dry)

Till a' the seas gang dry , my dear,

And the rocks melt wi' the sun; (with)

And I will luve thee still, my dear,

While the sands o' life shall run. (of)

And fare-thee-weel, my only Luve ! (goodbye)

And fare-thee-weel, a while! ( for a short time)

And I will come again, my Luve,

Tho' t were ten thousand mile! (through)

quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2012

Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a Scottish author and physician, invented the character of Sherlock Holmes in 1887.
He wrote 60 stories about this famous detective and his friend Dr. Watson.  When he tried to kill Sherlock Holmes  in 1893 in "The Final Problem" his readers protested and he had to bring him back for a new story called " The Hound of The Baskervilles", where he explained Sherlock Holmes had faked his own death.

Everyone recognises Sherlock Holmes because of his deerstalker hat, his magnifying glass and his pipe.

Sherlock Holmes lived in 221 B Baker Street in London. Nowadays you can visit the same house, which is a museum dedicated to the most famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes.

Johnson, S and Myles, J. Timesaver. London! London:Scholastic, 2007

sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2012

The Amish

Do you think you could live without internet, videogames, TV?
Read about the AMISH people and find out their way of life.

Imagine a world without telephones or television, without cars or electricity. In this world the women wear long dresses. There is no industry. Everyone works on farms and travels by horse or on foot. Where do you think this world is? Europe in the seventeenth century? In fact, it is Pennsylvania in North America in the 21st Century. It is the world of the Amish people.

The Amish people went to America in the eighteenth century and since then their lifestyle has not changed at all. They don’t even speak English among themselves. They speak German as their ancestors did. The Amish are farmers and they base their life on the Bible. There were no tractors or telephones in the Bible and there are no tractors or telephones in the Amish villages today.

Family life is very important for the Amish. They live in large families and everyone helps with the work. The day starts when the sun rises and ends when the sun sets. The men and boys work in the fields and the women and girls work in the house. When something big is needed, such as a new barn, all the neighbours help to build it. While the men and boys cut, lift and hammer the wood, the women and girls prepare the food and look after the children .

Nobody works on Sundays, because everyone goes to church. But life for the Amish is not all work. They have a lot of village parties. They don’t dance or play musical instruments, but they sing hymns and they have a good time.There is no electricity in the world of the Amish. They don’t use chemicals on their farms. The rules are strict. But there is no crime and no pollution. Nobody is poor and nobody is lonely.

In the 1985 film ,Witness, a young Amish boy is witness to a murder....

Hutchinson, T. Hotline. Oxford University Press.

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012

January 2012 Newsletter

© Clever Pants 2011

Feeling the chill out? Take off your hat and scarf and come in and put your feet up in front of the fire. It’s time to forget about the icy winter air and enjoy the January newsletter!

Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Ken who?
Ken I come in, it’s freezing out here?

As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.
Buddy Hackett
Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.
Jim Carrey
Cross country skiing is great if you live in a small country.
Steven Wright
I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.
Lily Tomlin

Idioms - It’s raining cats and dogs...

Every language has its strange and wonderful idioms. In this month’s language feature, we’re going to have a look at some of our favourite animal themed idioms in English.

Idiom: (n) an expression, word or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made.

Raining cats and dogs
If it's raining cats and dogs it's raining very heavily.
"We can't go to the park today because it's raining cats and dogs."

Ants in one's pants
People who have ants in their pants are very restless or excited about something.
"I wish he'd relax. He's got ants in his pants about something today!"

Have a bee in one's bonnet
A person who has a bee in their bonnet has an idea which constantly occupies their thoughts.
"She's got a bee in her bonnet about moving to New York."

Kill two birds with one stone.
If you kill two birds with one stone, you succeed in doing two things at the same time.
"By studying on the train on the way home every week-end, Claire kills two birds with one stone."

 Like a bear with a sore head

If someone is behaving like a bear with a sore head,they are very irritable and bad-tempered.
"When his team lost the match, Brad was like a bear with a sore head."

Like a bull in a china shop

If someone is behaving like a bull in a china shop they are acting without thinking and without tact, upsetting plans and people.
"I wouldn’t invite him to the party - he’s like a bull in a china shop after a glass of wine!”

Cat's whiskers (also: the cat's pyjamas or the bees’knees)

This expression refers to someone who considers themselves to be better than others in a particular area- beauty, competence, intelligence, sport, etc.
"Ever since she got a promotion, she thinks she's the cat's whiskers!"

Recipe: Pea and Ham Soup
A very traditional English favourite, pea and ham soup is a classic that is extraordinarily tasty and sure to warm you through to your bones on these nippy wintry evenings.
Pea and ham soup has literally been popular forever. It gets a mention in Aristophones’ The Birds, and apparently the Romans went nuts for it, and it was sold by street vendors in winter in Ancient Greece!

200g yellow or green split peas, rinsed and drained
1.5 litres water
1 ham bone (from a cooked ham, or stock if you don’t
have a bone handy)
1 carrot, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 leek, chopped
2 bay leaves
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Chopped parsley to serve
Put the peas and water in a large pan, bring to the boil and skim off any scum. Meanwhile, cut off any ham from the bone. Dice and set aside. Add the carrot, onion, leek, bay leaf and bone to the peas. Season, cover, return to a simmer and cook for 40 minutes or until the peas are tender. Remove the bone and bay leaf. Purée the soup with a blender. Return to a clean pan, reheat and check the seasoning. Ladle into bowls, garnish with the ham and parsley and serve.

The text was taken from

terça-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2012

English Showcase V

On 16th January we commemorate MARTIN LUTHER KING in USA

Extract from speech I have a dream:

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

On 25th January it is ROBERT BURNS´S DAY in Scotland.

People pay tribute to the national poet of Scotland through the ritual of Burns Supper, a celebration of his life and poetry,which should include Haggis, a traditional Scottish dish.

On 26th January it is AUSTRALIA DAY

Australia is a country and a continent. Most of the country is hot and dry, especially in the middle where there are deserts. Few people live in these areas, but there are large sheep and cattle farms called stations (Australia produces 25 % of the world´s wool – there are around 10 sheep per person). Two-thirds of the Australians live in the large cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The capital is Canberra. Although it is a big country, almost as big as the USA, the population of Australia is only 16 million, compared with 245 million in the USA.
Australia Day is an official holiday in Australia celebrating national pride and culture.