domingo, 12 de maio de 2013

Mother's Day in USA

 Mother´s Day Flower Basket 

Mother’s Day in the United States is celebrated each year on the second Sunday in May. In millions of households, mothers will be honoured with flowers, greeting cards, candy, a special cake and, perhaps, breakfast in bed or a special lunch or dinner at a restaurant. 

This holiday owes its start to Anna Jarvis, who held a memorial to her mother in 1899. Jarvis’s mother had founded work clubs for women in her home state of West Virginia to improve sanitary and health conditions. Jarvis campaigned to have “Mother’s Day” recognized as a national celebration. 

President Woodrow Wilson made Mother's Day official in 1914. 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are an estimated 85 million mothers in the United States and the average number of children they have is 2.5. Most American mothers — 55 percent — are employed outside the home, according to the Census Bureau. 

Happy Mother's Day to all my American Friends!

Older Posts:
Dia da Mãe-Para Sempre
Dia da Mãe em Portugal
Mother's Day Traditions

Molten Chocolate Cake 


· 1/2 cup unsalted butter, plus more for buttering the molds

· 4 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped into small pieces

· 4 large eggs

· 1/4 cup sugar

· 2 teaspoons flour, plus more for dusting the molds


1. Put the butter in a medium bowl and melt it in the microwave. Add the chocolate to the hot butter and stir until melted.

2. Crack 2 eggs into a bowl, and add 2 more yolks (discard the extra whites). Add the sugar, and beat or whisk until light and thick, about 1 minute. Add egg mixture and 2 teaspoons flour to the melted chocolate; beat until combined.

3.Butter and lightly flour four 4-ounce molds or ramekins (make sure not to miss any spots, or the cakes will stick). Tap out the excess flour. Divide the batter among the molds. (At this point you can refrigerate them for up to 3 hours; just bring them back to room temperature before baking.)

4.When you’re ready to bake, heat the oven to 450. Put the molds on a rimmed baking sheet and bake until the cakes have puffed up a bit, the tops are barely set and the cakes still jiggle slightly when shaken, 7 to 9 minutes (better underbaked than overbaked). Let sit for 1 minute.

5. Put a plate on top of the ramekin and (with a potholder to protect your hand) carefully invert the cake onto the plate. Let it sit for 10 seconds, then lift up the ramekin. Serve immediately, with ice cream, sorbet or whipped cream.

The New York Times Recipes

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