quarta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2013


Thanksgiving Day in the USA is celebrated tomorrow. It is followed by Black Friday, the beginning of Christmas shopping season with  shops opening very early for many promotional sales.

Read the Thanksgiving story here!

Now answer about Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

National Hello Day

Can you believe there is actually a day for saying hello?

National Hello Day began in 1973 to promote peace between Egypt and Israel. On November 21, 2013, the 40th annual World Hello Day was commemorated. To participate you only had to greet ten people.

Read here a short history of Hello.

quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013

Pyjama day

Today is pyjama day. When I was living in the USA there was a day at school, in which students were supposed to wear their pyjamas. I never understood the reason and thought it was rather silly. However I´ve recently learned that we are also commemorating this day in Portugal and that it symbolizes the children who have no family and therefore no one to comfort them. While I still find wearing a pyjama outside the bedroom odd, I recognize the importance of remembering those less fortunate than us.

terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

Sweden 2-3 Portugal

Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images

Photograph: Mario Cruz/EPA

Photograph: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images

Do you know today is World Toilet Day?

Can you imagine not having a toilet?

While a vast majority of the world's population has access to mobile phones, one third -some 2.5 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation, the United Nations said. The consequences on human health, dignity and security, the environment, and social and economic development are dramatic: each year, more than 800,000 children under 5 die from diarrhea, many due to poor sanitation.

To address these issues, the “Sanitation for All” Resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in July 2013, designating 19 November as World Toilet Day.


domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013

Stilton, please.

When people think about British food they think about traditional food like fish and chips or take away food like Cornish pastries.

They often forget Britain is the home of Stilton cheese, the king of English cheese.

Stilton takes its name from the village of the same name in Cambridgeshire where it was first made and sold. 

Stilton has its own Certification Trade Mark and is a EU protected name cheese that by law can only be made in the three counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire.

- it must be made from locally produced milk that has been pasteurised before use
- it can only be made in a cylindrical shape
- it must be allowed to form its own coat or crust
- it must never be pressed and 
- it must have the magical blue veins radiating from the centre of the cheese

It takes 136 pints milk (78 litres) to make one 17 lb (8kg) Stilton cheese

Over 1 million Stilton cheeses are made each year

sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013

Hannah Arendt- the film

The story is about the controversy around Hannah Arendt’s articles for The New Yorker magazine about “Eichmann in Jerusalem,” the trial of the Nazi war criminal . It is a biographical film spoken in German and English (Hannah Arendt became an American citizen after fleeing Camp Gurs in the German occupied France).

The film depicts other prominent intellectuals, including philosopher Heidegger, but it is not an intellectual film. Hannah´s happy marriage to Heinrich Blücher and her friendship with Mary McCarthy are very important in the way the story is presented. 

The film glorifies thinking, making it appropriate for students dealing with philosophy for the first time this year.

The film is on in Lisbon at Medeias King.

The Capitol Christmas Tree

The Capitol Christmas Tree is making its journey from Washington state to Washington D.C. You can follow its progress http://www.trackthetree.com/

2012 Christmas tree

60th anniversary conference

To celebrate 60 years of teaching and teacher training, International House is hosting a special conference online on 29 and 30 November 2013.


Portugal vs. Sweden play-off

(AP Photo/Armando Franca) The Associated Press

Cristiano Ronaldo scored with a diving header eight minutes from the end to give Portugal a 1-0 win in the first leg of a World Cup play-off against Sweden in Lisbon.

terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013

America´s tallest building

New York City is home to America’s tallest building. 

One World Trade Center is officially taller than the Willis Tower in Chicago, which had been the tallest building in the country since it was completed — and named the Sears Tower — in 1974.

One World Trade Center, which will debut in 2014, is still under construction. However, a majority of the structure is complete. It has 94 floors above ground , five floors below and 71 elevators with a top speed of 10.16 meters per second.

The Empire State Building  was named after New York, "The Empire State".This skyscraper was the world´s tallest building for 40 years, until the completion of the World Trade Center (Twin Towers) 1n 1970.

The Chrysler Building was completed in 1930. It was briefly the tallest building in the world until the Empire State Building opened in 1931.

The Woolworth Building, which was completed in 1913, was the tallest building in the world until the Chrysler in 1930. One of the curious things about this building is that it was paid in cash.

The Flatiron Building is a 22- storeyed limestone structure resembling an iron. In 1902 it was one of the first skyscrapers.


More about New York:

segunda-feira, 11 de novembro de 2013

Saint Martin

San Martín y el mendigo (1597-1600) by El Greco

Saint Martin was born in Hungary, educated in Italy and became a Christian in France, where he was bishop of Tours. St. Martin was the uncle of Saint Patrick, the great apostle of Ireland. He died in the year 397 and his feast day is November 11. 

Saint Martin is best known for the story of using his military sword to cut his cloak in two, to give half to a beggar dressed only in rags in the depth of winter.

My sister and I at São Martinho Church, Funchal, Madeira

Saint Martin´s Cathedral in Bratislava

domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

25 Reasons to Love Lisbon

Do you know why you love Lisbon?

The Lisbon Magazine came out with 25 reasons to love Lisbon.

Read here!

More about Lisbon in this Blog:





Why the poppy?

The Duke of Cambridge meets veterans at the Korean War Memorial in London, 5 November 2013.

Wearing a poppy has become a symbol of remembrance, for all the fallen soldiers of WWI.

The Canadian doctor John McCrae wrote the poem In Flanders Fields in memory of his fallen comrades: “the poppies blow / Between the crosses, row on row..” It describes the first sign of life after death - small red plants that grew on the graves of soldiers in the battle fields of Northern France and Flanders during WWI.

The poem inspired American secretary Moina Michael to sell poppies to raise funds for ex-soldiers.

It soon became the US national emblem of remembrance in 1920, although it has been replaced by a red, white and blue ribbon on the lapel.

The Royal British Legion adopted the poppy in 1921 and, in 2010, distributed 45 million of them in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This year, it hopes to raise £40m in donations, which will be used to assist retired or injured soldiers. According to the Royal British Legion "If you are a civilian, make sure your poppy is always close to your heart, by wearing the poppy on your left lapel, or left side of your body".

Kate Middleton and Prince William surprised commuters at a London tube station as they joined volunteers who were selling poppies.

In Scotland, about five million poppies are distributed each year by Poppyscotland, but they look slightly different. Unlike the standard two petals and a single green leaf, the Scottish ones have four petals and no leaf. There's also a financial reason for the difference, since adding a leaf would cost an extra £15,000.

Prince William has written to Fifa demanding it lifts the ban on England shirts being embroidered with poppies as Fifa decrees that shirts should not carry political, religious or commercial messages. Mr Cameron added: "The idea that wearing a poppy to remember those who have given their lives for our freedom is a political act is absurd…Wearing a poppy is an act of huge respect and national pride."

Today, in London, at a ceremony lead by the Queen, more than 10,000 military veterans and civilians marched past the Cenotaph to honour the dead soldiers of all wars. Since last year, 10 members of the UK armed forces have died during military operations.


Sky News live at the Cenotaph

Older posts about the First World War:

sexta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2013

Em Memória da minha Avó Maria: sobre a I Guerra Mundial.

                               Avó Maria (1892-1975)

Quando se aproxima a evocação do centenário da Grande Guerra, em 2014 e o 95º aniversário da assinatura do armistício, que pôs fim à Primeira Guerra Mundial no dia 11 de novembro, dedico este post à minha avó Maria (1892-1975). Costumava, emocionada, contar-me histórias da Grande Guerra, como a dos bombardeamentos do Funchal por submarinos alemães, ocorridos em 1916, no dia 3 de dezembro e, pouco mais de um ano depois, em 12 de dezembro de 1917. 

A Alemanha havia declarado guerra a Portugal no dia 9 de março de 1916, em resultado do apresamento, por parte do governo português, dos barcos alemães e austro-húngaros fundeados em portos nacionais, em resposta a um pedido oficial da Grã-Bretanha, ao abrigo da Aliança Luso-Britânica.

A baía do Funchal durante a Grande Guerra

O primeiro bombardeamento do Funchal durou cerca de duas horas. Foi precedido pelo torpedeamento da canhoeira La Surprise da marinha de guerra francesa, ancorada no porto daquela capital madeirense, que submergiu em cerca de dois minutos e provocou a morte imediata de 33 tripulantes e 8 madeirenses da empresa Blandy, que no momento forneciam carvão ao navio. O navio francês Kanguroo foi também torpedeado. No entanto, como a submersão não foi tão rápida, ainda disparou vinte e cinco tiros contra o submarino, embora nenhum deles tivesse atingido o alvo.

Decorrido pouco tempo foi a vez do vapor mercante inglês Dacia ser atingido, mas a tripulação, alertada, abandonou o navio e não houve perdas pessoais.

Bóias de salvação no museu da Liga dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra.

Danos na igreja de Santa Clara, após o bombardeamento da cidade do Funchal em 1917 (12 dezembro)

O segundo bombardeamento provocou a morte de cinco pessoas, fez cerca de trinta feridos e registaram-se graves prejuízos em diversos pontos da cidade, nomeadamente na igreja de Santa Clara, onde o Padre Abel da Silva Branco celebrava missa.

A iluminação pública noturna foi proibida, como medida de defesa e só voltou a ser autorizada e, portanto, restabelecida, em 11 de novembro de 1918, quando chegaram à Madeira as notícias da assinatura do armistício.

Entretanto na Flandres, o Corpo Expedicionário Português, em véspera de ser rendido por tropas inglesas, sofreu o principal impacto da última e desesperada grande ofensiva do exército alemão na Batalha de La Lys, em 9 de abril de 1918.

Derrotado pelos enormes bombardeamentos e superioridade numérica das tropas alemãs ficou inoperacional, até ao final daquele terrível conflito. Todavia, alguma da resistência portuguesa deu tempo a forças britânicas para tapar a brecha, que o estado-maior germânico procurava cavar, dividindo os exércitos aliados para chegar ao mar.

 Dos muitos heróis portugueses desse trágico e sangrento confronto, destacou-se o soldado “Milhões”, como ficou conhecido Aníbal Augusto Milhais, o qual, com grande bravura, conseguiu proteger, de metralhadora e indiferente ao fogo dos alemães, a retirada de numerosos soldados. Foi condecorado com a Ordem Militar da Torre e Espada, a mais alta insígnia portuguesa, entre outras condecorações nacionais e estrangeiras.

No esforço de Guerra, as mulheres desempenharam um papel fundamental ao substituírem os homens, que tinham partido para a guerra, em todo o tipo de trabalhos.

No fim da I Guerra Mundial, em Inglaterra as mulheres vão ganhar o direito a votar, em 1918, se tiverem 30 anos e forem proprietárias. Mais tarde, em 1928, essa legislação foi revogada e substituída por outra, que deu a capacidade de voto a todas as mulheres inglesas com mais de 21 anos.

Em Portugal, a minha avó Maria, que me contava comovida o sofrimento madeirense durante a I Guerra Mundial, teve de esperar pelo 25 de Abril de 1974 para sentir a emoção de poder votar…


Henriques, Mendo e A. Leitão. La Lys 1918. Os Soldados Desconhecidos. Prefácio. 2001

SILVA, Fernando Augusto da; MENESES, Carlos Azevedo de – Elucidário madeirense. Funchal: Direcção Regional dos Assuntos Culturais, 1998. Edição fac-similada da edição de 1940-1946.

Catálogo da exposição Viva a República 1910-2010




8 de novembro de 1960

No dia 8 de novembro de 1960, John F. Kennedy tornou-se o mais jovem presidente a ser eleito nos EUA. Tinha 43 anos. Foi também o primeiro católico a ser eleito.

Informa-te aqui sobre alguns presidentes americanos.

Panda Cub’s Naming Contest

The Smithsonian’s National Zoo is asking for help to name its female giant panda cub born on August 23, 2013.

Panda fans can vote until November 22. The winning name will be revealed at a ceremony on December 1, when the cub is 100 days old, as it is traditional in China.

These are the names under consideration:

Bao Bao: Precious; treasure.

Ling Hua: Darling; delicate flower.

Long Yun: “Long,” meaning dragon; “yun,” meaning charming.

Mulan: A female Chinese warrior from the fifth century; magnolia flower.

Zhen Bao: Treasure; valuable.

Vote !

On July 15 two panda twins were born at Zoo Atlanta.

quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013

Portugal- the place to grow

Today I came across this interesting and fun video...

Laranja, orange, portakal

The orange could be found in China around 2200 BC. In the map, in green, we can see the countries that named it after Portugal, as the Portuguese merchants were the first to introduce the orange in Europe. However, the dominant word in much of eastern and northern Europe comes from a word meaning "apple from China”

The orange left Lisbon to discover America with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage. He planted the first orange tree in the New World in 1493, in Haiti, then called Hispaniola.

The first American orange plantation was Spanish. It flourished in Florida, in St Augustine in the 16th century.

King William of Orange (1650-1702), who took his name from The House of Orange- the principality and town of Orange in south-east France, made many anti- Catholic laws, very unpopular in Ireland. As a result the people of that island declared no orange tree should ever grow on Irish soil.

Paul Cézanne. Still Life with a Curtain .1895

In the 19th century poor children dreamed of getting a precious orange for Christmas.
