domingo, 19 de outubro de 2014

The Germany of the Caribbean


It was founded in 1843 by a group of German settlers from the Schwarzwald (Black Forest / Selva Negra).

The village followed the mother culture for a century and people lived isolated from Venezuelan life. The first hotel, La Selva Negra opened in 1938. It was a hard work to build it as there were no roads and the materials had to be carried by mules. 

Nowadays you can reach Colonia Tovar following the beautiful Victoria route. 

It was only in the 1940´s that Spanish was introduced as the mother language and the prohibition to marry outside the community was abandoned.

In 1963 a paved road reached Colonia Tovar from the capital, Caracas.

Nowadays the town is a touristic attraction. At weekends it is full of people, mainly from the capital, who want to glimpse the traditional architecture.

The streets are filled with stalls selling fruit, vegetables, sweets, conserves and crafts

The old style German restaurants can´t be missed

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