quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2014

The national park of Morrocoy

One of the most spectacular coastal environments in Venezuela is the national park of Morrocoy. It is in the state of Falcón, just 3 hours drive from Caracas. It lies between the unattractive towns of Tucacas and Chichiriviche. 

One of its most impressive aspects are the fauna, flora and an extensive area dotted with islands, islets and cays. You can use the boat services to visit the islands.  Morrocoy became a national park in 1974.

During the weekends it is full of beach lovers, who leave the islands littered. I visited the park today, on a Tuesday, and some islands still remained dirty. This has nothing to do with the services of the municipality. People have to respect and take care of the park or the fragile ecosystem will soon suffer from human interference.

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