domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2015

Turkey Day

In the early 16th century, when the Spanish came to Mexico, they were met with a bounty of both wild and domesticated turkeys. The following year, they introduced domesticated turkeys in the Caribbean and eventually in Spain, from where this bird  became widespread throughout Europe. Turkeys were considered one of the greatest and most rapid growing successes — almost immediately the king of Spain was ordering every returning ship from America to bring 10 turkeys. Wealthy European hosts loved impressing their guests with large roasted birds such as the turkey.

When the English colonists first came to north America (New England) wild turkeys were a welcome sight: they were so plentiful that a dozen or more could easily be shot. (They were also easy to hunt in the hard winter months, as they were clearly visible in the snow). 

Although turkeys were abundant during the time of the First Thanksgiving, there is no evidence that they were actually served or eaten during the 3-day meal. Over time the turkey has become almost synonymous with Thanksgiving.

The tradition may be linked to Sarah Josepha Hale´s famous depiction of a Thanksgiving feast in her book Northwood, a Tale of New England (published at the beginning of the 19th century):  

"The roasted turkey took precedence on this occasion, being placed at the head of the table; and well did it become its lordly station, sending forth the rich odour of its savory stuffing, and finely covered with the frost of baking."

Since 1982, when George H.W. Bush  first pardoned a turkey, it has become a tradition for the President of the United States  to nominate a turkey which will not be part of a Thanksgiving meal. This annual ceremony takes place in the White House’s Rose Garden. This tradition might have been  inspired by Abraham Lincoln, who spared the life of a turkey at Christmas in response to pleas from his son, Tad.

I have already hosted Thanksgiving Dinners for my family in Portugal and was glad to hear this week that a Spanish friend, whose children also attended American schools, celebrated it in Spain, too. It is indeed a beautiful family gathering. 



Entrevista de Fernando Santos

ao Expresso.

"... o grego janta muito tarde, nunca antes das 22.30h; o grego gosta de ficar a falar até tarde e de deitar-se às duas, três da manhã... Eu marquei um treino para as oito da manhã e vieram dizer-me que às oito não dava, porque havia muito trânsito. Então fui ao quarto e marquei para as sete da manhã. E eles ficaram a olhar para mim, espantados. Até um médico veio falar comigo, a dizer-me que treinar de manhã não era bom fisiologicamente ..."

" O futebol não significa nada, se o compararmos à paternidade ou à amizade. Nada. Zero"

14 novembro 2015

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2015

Day of Japan

The Emperor's Birthday is a national holiday in Japan

             The ambassadress was wearing a beautifil kimono today

Emperors have reigned in Japan for more than 1500 years, and they have all descended from the same imperial family.

In 1989, Emperor Akihito became Japan's 125th emperor. He is married to Empress Michiko, the first empress who did not come from the nobility. Their eldest son is Crown Prince Naruhito. The imperial family resides in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

The national anthem of Japan

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015

José Merchán

José Merchán é um pintor Venezuelano. Gostei muito deste quadro com um toque de humor.

Quando cheguei à Venezuela fiquei surpreendida pela qualidade da arte em geral e pela forma acessível como se pode adquirir um quadro de um pintor contemporâneo, pois havia muitas galerias de arte.

Assim, comecei a visitar galerias e museus de arte e depois de estudar um pouco sobre os pintores clássicos venezuelanos decidi fazer um post sobre ART IN VENEZUELA, que tem tido  leitores quase diariamente.


Arnoldo Diaz

Arnoldo Diaz é um pintor venezuelano que vive atualmente nos EUA. Já expôs em diversos países e ganhou vários prémios nacionais e internacionais. Os seus quadros são alegres, com muitas cores vivas (bem tropicais) e muito decorativos. Deram um toque mais jovem ao  ambiente clássico dos quartos dos meus filhos

Este foi um verão a decorar, decorar...

Gostei muito destes frutos mas acabei por não comprar o quadro.

Hildemary Vizcaya

 Hildemary Vizcaya. En escalera. Acrilico sobre tela 90x110. 2015

Comprei este quadro no Verão e não me canso de olhar para ele. 

sábado, 21 de novembro de 2015

Young Love

A Canção nº1 na rádio no dia que nasci era esta : Young Love de Tab Hunter.

Quando o meu filho nasceu era esta: Against all odds de Phil Collins:

e três anos mais tarde:

Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (Starship)

Descubra a sua

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2015

The Panama Canal

The Panama Canal is still one of the engineering wonders of the world. 

It is about 80 km long and ships are lifted 26 meters in three lockages (Miraflores locks, Pedro Miguel locks and Gatun locks) as they cross the isthmus. 

The journey across the canal takes about 8 to 10 hours although a ship is normally in canal waters between 24 to 30 hours.

This vessel comes from Japan and brings 5000 cars 

The container and cruise ships squeeze through the locks with only centimeters to spare on either side. These are known as “Panamax ships”. However many ships are too big for the canal - they are called “Post Panamax”. To ensure they can cross the canal, in 2006, the people of Panama approved the expansion of Panama Canal by means of a referendum. The Panama Canal Administration is now building wider and deeper locks, which will be completed soon, in 2016.

The French started to build a canal in 1880 under supervision of Ferdinand de Lesseps, the builder of the Suez canal, but after years of struggle with the jungle, disease ( malaria and yellow fever became the worst killers) and financial problems, they were forced to give up.

In 1903 Panama declared its independence from Colombia and the USA signed a treaty in which the concession for a public maritime transportation service across the isthmus was granted.

The first vessel to officially cross the canal was the freighter ANCON on 15th August 1914.

In 1979 a new treaty between Panama and the USA established a transition period of twenty years for the definite handover of the canal to Panama. Since that time (31st December 1999) the canal has belonged to the Panamanians.

A short visit to Panama

Panamá National Day 2015 in Caracas

November 3rd is when Panama declared its independence from Colombia.

Panama City is called "Crossroads of the World" in light of how many people pass through it.

View from the 28th floor of our hotel

It is as lively as other major cities. In recent years, its skyline has been transformed and huge skyscrapers were constructed.

They say Panama is an indian word that means " an abundance of fish". Tourists can understand that after reading the menus.

Fuel is a lot cheaper than in Portugal.

The only problem are the taxi drivers - you must always ask the price of a journey or you may end up paying three times more. 

Fortunately, they advised us at our hotel to travel by metro, which was efficient,  very cheap ($0,35) 

and you avoid traffic jams. 

It is, moreover, difficult to walk within the city because of the hot wet weather and a general lack of zebra crossings.

Shopping: Panama has it all. The shopping centres are modern with several brands (some of which are very luxurious).

It’s also much cooler inside and so the temperature is just ideal.

Casco Viejo

 Did you know Panama hats are not from Panama?

Panama´s city old quarter has been declared a World heritage site and over the past decade it has experienced a dramatic rebirth, one that rivals old Cartagena or even Bogotá.

The Panama Canal

Panama City is indeed more than just a canal...