sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015


Taxco is an old colonial silver mining town in Mexico.

It is known as one of the prettiest towns in Mexico.

This reputation, along with its picturesque houses, narrow streets paved with dark stones and the surrounding landscapes have made tourism the main economic activity. 

The crafting of silver into jewelry, silverware and other items are the main traditional souvenirs sought by tourists.

José de la Borda in Santa Prisca Church

The name of José de la Borda (ca. 1700–1778), is closely related to Taxco, where he arrived from Spain and started operations in the mines. At one point, he was the richest man in Mexico.

When Jose de la Borda realized his fortune would be lost when he died because his son Manuel wanted to be a priest, he took the decision to build a church and asked the bishop to let his son be in charge of it. 

The Santa Prisca Church was built between 1751 and 1758. It was named after Santa Prisca, a Roman aristocrat who, according to tradition, was the first female Christian martyr.

Borda hired the best available artists and artisans for the project. 

St George killing a tiny dragon that looks more like a dog

There is also the organ made of fine wood. It was brought from Germany 250 years ago and still plays nowadays.

When Jose de la Borda finished the construction of the church, made of a local pink stone, he decided to build houses for his miners, who were mainly indigenous.

Taxco, 27/7/2015

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