sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Teotihuacan Pyramids

This archaeological site located approximately 40 kilometres northeast of Mexico City was designated a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1987. It is the most visited archaeological site in Mexico.

Museum of Teotihuacan

Since the beginning of Teotihuacan culture, construction began with a high degree of urban planning: two avenues are laid out dividing the city into quadrants- The Avenue of the Death, which travels north-south and the second running east-west. The pyramid of the Sun, the pyramid of the Moon and its plaza, and the temple of Quetzalcoatl are the buildings dominating the growth and development of the city. At its peak, the city covered over 30 km² 

According to the pre-Hispanic cosmovision, the bearing of the universe breaks down into five directions. The first four correspond to the cardinal points and the fifth represents the center and is seen as the core of the universe. The founders of Teotihuacan believed that the gods created the universe at this site.

The Teotihuacan culture fell around 700-750 AD. Afterwards the city was abandoned and until the arrival of the Spanish, various cultural groups, such as the Aztecs, respected it as a Sacred City. The Aztecs believed their god died at sunset every day. As long as he received sufficient human sacrifices, he would come alive again at dawn.

In some aspects, the Aztecs, as the other important pre-colombian cultures, were remarkably advanced for their time. In other ways, they were very backward. They didn´t know the wheel and never used the metals to make tools or weapons.

Obsidian stone ( the rock formed as a result of quickly cooled lava) was extensive and it was the main source of Teotihuacan wealth in its golden years . They worked obsidian for tools and weapons which were capable of inflicting terrible injuries.

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