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sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2024

Luke the Interpreter: of Jesus’ story and of Israel’s scriptures

"Luke the Interpreter: of Jesus’ story and of Israel’s scriptures is the long-awaited sequel to Doble's Paradox of Salvation (1996). Published posthumously by his family, it is the culmination of a life dedicated to Lukan scholarship.

In the author's own words:
‘Luke the Interpreter: of Jesus’ Story and of Israel’s Scriptures’ (Interpreter) is a post-doctoral monograph arguing for the narrative-theological coherence of Luke’s text (NA), on which I wrote my PhD thesis (SNTSMS 87). Intended primarily for established Lukan scholars and for post-graduate students of Luke-Acts, it also contributes to study of: first-century Jewish-Christian relations; intertextuality and interpretation-theory; and of method in New Testament studies, and Christian Origins."

Hoje recebemos o livro do bisavô dos meus netos, Dr Peter Doble (avô materno da minha nora).

As memórias ficam e os livros também.

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